"A post-apocalyptic tale of a man and his son trying to survive by any means possible. "-
Movie Trailer:
The Road is about a father and a son surviving for their life every day, this seemed to be the most important thing when the "world ended", the people that survived is facing everyday tackles. As the father and the son, live each day their appearance change, eating habits change and their morals change. Both try to survive for food and emotional strength. There was a scene in the movie, they entered a home and thought they no one was in the house, as they search the house looking for hope, the herd noises down stairs. The dark room, had people in eating each other and crying for help. Once the father and son saw this, they ran upstairs and hid in the bathroom, where they saw other people body parts and bath full of blood. At this point the father freaked and pulled out a gun to kill his son because, he did not want him or his son to die, due to people eating them alive.
I think this movie relates to our care of the dead and illness unit, both father and son has seen people die in front of their eyes. The father is very ill and the son lost his mother when the world ended, they both struggle emotional, while the son feels he is the only young boy and wants everything to better for him and his father; the father does not feel the same. The problem of this survival is that the father is very sick; he wants to reach to their desire place, where things are much better. But due to his sickness his son might make it alone, and he reminds his son every day that they could die. They want to believe that things could be better for them, try to keep a happy mind set, but due to no food they might not make it alive. There was scene in the movie, and they found abandoned house with a whole bunch of food and a place for shelter, the son was very delighted and felt that they will survive because of this new place they found. The father did not want the son to get too comfortable because this will not be place where they will be staying. As they both snacked on food they hadn't had for couple of months, this is something that helped with their emotions by having all this food, it was like hope. The son was tired of just having a piece of bread and sharing between the two and that will be their only meal. As this is going on the son does not realize that he so far just sink and bone, he knows that he gets hungry but does not notice his outer appearance while his father does, when the son saw an image of himself, he got scared and ask his father was that really him and why is he so skinny the father responded, you always been skinny. As days go's by the son notices that his father is coughing blood and is getting weaker, they soon walk to a beach, this made the father happy as though this what he was hoping to see, a peaceful ending for him. They stayed for about a couple of hours and the father is near his death. The son is heartbroken, the only friend and caring person is leaving his life, they both survived through many things and now his father will not be there no more. This part of the scene when his father dies and takes his last breath was something that trigged my heart, the only close person to him, the person he looked up and spoke to everyday have died.
I think it’s sad and beautiful how the father died, he died by the beach, it seemed this is where he thought it would be peaceful for him to die due to the condition they were both in, but what was that his father real death wishes?. What if the movie made it where the son survived and spoke about him and his father survival? Did his father died because he was already sick or because lack of food. This movie made me think about the people close to me, and how if they were to die I want it to be, how they wished their funeral to be.
ReplyDeleteI like the way you offered a summary of the tale. I think your connection to the death unit is valid. It is important for us to look at this unit as a way to interpret our own fears and wishes for ourselves and those that we love. I know that my own recent experience with my Grandmother's death was bittersweet. She died at age 94, in her sleep. Her wish was to finally be with my grandfather who died nearly 25 years ago. It was a profound experience for me, as often times, it is through a person's death that we find the most meaning in our own lives. i know you enjoyed "Tuesday's with Morrie" and I wonder how you might connect this film to that text and the experiences and different point of view that the author had in contrast to this lesson.
Here are a few questions to think about: Do you think that it is human nature for people to find ways to survive, even under the most stressful situations? Why do you think the story-teller use a father-son relationship? Would it have been less touching if it would have been friends or strangers? Can you think of another book or movie that uses non-relatives to tell a story about survival?
Why do you think it is significant that they were able to share a meal together and that made the son think that everything would be ok? What is it about a family meal that offers comfort to people, even in a dire situation?