Friday, December 31, 2010

HW 26 - Looking back & forward in unit

During this unit I realized..

1. How easy it is for someone to die
2. How easy it is for some ne to get sick
3. Canada has free health care

4. People that  work in the health industry  will get a raise if they let someone die.

When I found this out, it made wish if only our bodies were able to not ever get sick, because once you get sick it eithers gets better or worse.( Which is scary to think about) . This was the unit I wanted to learn about because I lost family members I never met  but also  I know people who lost a family members and I didn't know how to react , It made me feel weird. When I hear one of family member is sick, it worries me because now I do understand what death is? (Concept of death) and from hearing other people experience how they deal with it. Honestly, I still wouldn't know how to react but my mind seems ready for the reality of death.  Death is real, and it’s up to a person to how they want to deal with it.  This is something I think about because my family generation is an elderly generation; I don’t have that much little cousins, but lots of older cousins, aunts and uncles. My brothers and sisters are all older than me. It makes think about in 20 years how my family is going to be…

What source(s) have been most helpful for you in coming to a deeper understanding of our culture's dominant social practices around illness and dying? How & why?
Watching some parts of sicko and the documentary. I noticed that in sicko it showed many different views of how everything is played in the health care service for the people. In the documentary, they spoke to their patients and try to make them understand what’s going to their bodies. But then again it’s just a daily routine in the hospital. I noticed if a person has a health care they need to get approved first, if not they will get rejected and have to suffer with their illness. In these movies doctors don’t want to play “God" so they need to hear from the person family or suggest another option. From these movies I thought to myself well why do Doctors want to be Doctors? If some don’t have the freedom to really help a person. The freedom and the choice to help… not just the freedom (Sicko).
Can we really understand death? Or a person we don’t know death experience? These are questions that I will think about but not sure how I will keep it to an understanding.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

HW 21 - Expert #1

Leticia Pichardo:

Hi luz,

I'm here to give you feed back. I like the part when you said "She learned that being sad about something you cannot change did nothing but made you more miserable". Learning that in most of my classes, I was always the girl little taller and heavier then most people , I couldn't change that because I was ment to be tall and my body is not like everybody else,so this is something I accpected instead of makeing myself more miserable.

Another part that I liked " By accepting fate she found that she had some of the happiest times with her husband in all of their 26 years together". The reason why I enjoy reading this part is because you mentioned that accepting fate she found the happiest times being with her husband. I thought wasn't able to find another job, So I stood in Mcdondals longer which didn't make me happier.This not being happy is something I did not want to feel, so one day I went job searching and I got the job I wanted. Beth accepting her husband sickness didn't make her sad but closer to her husband.

You did well with connecting the emotions Beth had for husband and you tied it back with your emotions and your experiance.

-Leticia P

Hi Chris M,
Leticia Pichardo

I'm here to give you feed back.

I think you can expand more on "When the guess speaker explained that Erik would not let his older son come and visit him I couldn't understand why" Maybe can you mentioned why you dont understand? Would you want people to see you sick? Do you think there should have been another way?.How  would have delt if someone close to you did'nt want you see them? I think these questions could help to make your thoughts more into depth. then just stateing them and not really expanding your thoughts.

-Leticia p

This was not the hw. but I should still comment on what you have
I was bit confused about if you were talking about the experiance you have eating thanksgivig with your family or with another. I liked the part were you mentioned " The host had a tradition to eat all the food that was brought to the meal ,because if all the food was eaten it would bring good luck". The reason I think i would have been obligated to eat a lot of food too. To hear a person to have "good luck"seems like a good thing.

I think next time , you should  Structured
 more your thoughts so it could be a little bit more clear.Over all I liked reading your thAnksgivg blog.
-Leticia p

Henry (bro)
I think you provided a great example of a personal experience where you were unable to change a horrific situation. It clearly shows that you related to Beth’s story and had a very good idea of what she went through.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

HW 22 - Illness & Dying Book Part 1 HW 23 - Illness & Dying Book, Part 2

HW 23 - Illness & Dying Book, Part 3
Précis:  This book is about a patient name Mcmurphy and his life in the mental institution, he actually thought that will be better than going to jail.  After a couple days in the mental hospital, he realized going to jail would have been better.  In this book he experience, having friends he never thought of and living a life that was unexpected.

Published: 1987

1 “.It’s still hard for me to have clear mind thinking on it. But it’s the truth even if it didn’t happen”(pg18) The reason why I like this quote, because it explains that the nurse can't define him because they don’t know his real life situation.  What happened in his life should not define him as a mental person.

2. McMurphy tells Harding that the meeting was a “pecking party”—the men acted like a bunch of chickens pecking at another chicken’s wound. He warns them that a pecking party can wipe out the whole flock( 35) The reason why I like this quote, is because this explains that in the mental hospital  they treat the patients as though they got problems instead of helping them  it becomes a" pecking party" the people with all the problems and the nurses are not help because they are in the movement of treating them not "normal"

3.  “They are tall and sharp and bony and their faces are chipped into expressions that never change, like flint arrowheads. Their eyes come to points. If you brush against their hair it rasps the hide right off you” (32)  I think this quote means that, the nurses walk around with no emotion and makes the patient feel scared instead having a comforting nurse it becomes uncomfortable and scary for them.
This makes it difficult to continue what is best for this person.  Or how can we shape the society into making an individual feel  “normal”  in their life, which im not sure is possible because in these institutions they make patients feel scared and not wanted. They drug and brain wash their minds, the patients “peck” and the nurses create the discomfort and let patients feel not “normal”

HW 23 - Illness & Dying Book, Part 2
Tuesdays with Morrie an old man, an young man, and life's greatest lesson by Mitch Albom

Published : 1997
publisher: Random House
Précis: So far in the book Mitch, has been there every Tuesday for morrie throughout his sickness. Mitch made a list of the things he wanted to talk to Morrie about:

1. Death
2. Fear
3. Aging

4. Greed

5. Marriage
6. Family
7. Society

8. Forgiveness

9. A meaningful life

Each chapter they spoke about the list Mitch made has Morrie gets older and sickness is slowly taking over Mitch helps out more. Mitch helps with massaging him, wiping his butt, adjusting his pillow. Their relationship becomes more meaningful when Mitch opens up and don’t feel embarrassed by helping Morrie out. Morrie every day is fighting to breath since ALS is started to take over his lungs, he takes long coughs and his hands is no longer to move, but his voice still lives.

1.       “Because it's the ultimate sign of dependency. Someone wiping your bottom. But I'm working on it. I'm trying to enjoy the process"... "Yes After all, I get to be a baby one more time"(pg.49). If were to read on more he explains how being a baby again is what most people want because being a baby is when we got the most affection between a mother and a child or a person that cares for the baby.  It’s a sign of dependency but we get care and love. This is what Mitch is now doing to Morrie, which shows love between the two. I also like his quote because it makes me think about when I was baby how much I enjoyed being with my mother and I never wanted to leave by her side.
2.       “But Giving to other people is what makes me feel alive. Not my car or my house. Not what Look like in the mirror. When I give time, when I can make someone smile after they were seeing sad, it’s as close to healthy as I ever feel”(pg.128) This quote I enjoy, because I also like the feeling when I make a person smile or when I’m doing something kind to a person. It brings a healthy vibe because I’m helping myself and the other person.
3.       “People haven’t found meaning in their lives , so they’re running all the time looking for it. They think the next car, the next house, the next job. Then they find those things are empty, too, and they keep running…once you start running, I said, it’s hard to slow yourself down.”(pg.136) when I read this quote, two questions popped up. When will the person stop running? Than how will the person be ever happy? The reason why I ask is because it not situation I think a person should be in.

Reading most of these chapters I laughed, I pictured an old professor and young man having the best time together, this book also made me think.  As I keep reading I try and relate his quotes to myself or think about how it’s applied to “our culture”. It’s true the things he said ,  but why is it so this can only work for certain people? In my world I believe people should always treat people with kindness, but can it really work? Do everybody deserve kindness and heart to heart conversation if a person were to listen.  I believe people are like this ( like Morrie) but it only works for “ their world” and I’m not sure what I mean by that…

HW 22 - Illness & Dying Book Part 1
Tuesdays with Morrie an old man, an young man, and life's greatest lesson by Mitch Albom
Published : 1997
publisher: Random House

Précis : Tuesdays with Morrie, is about an old man who took his illness and turned into the meaning of life. He would laugh and talk for hours, but it was never was a conversation that a person wanted to end because Morrie as a person he would leave a good feeling inside each person he spoke to.  Morrie before he got sick would spend his time dancing no matter how bad he was dancing is what Morrie wanted to do. While he was sick one of his best students Mitch Albom, who once lost contact got back to see his old professor "his Couch" he called him, it was a never ending bond. Mitch ended up seeing Morrie every Tuesday.  These Tuesdays turned into "Lessons in how to live". The more Mitch saw Morrie , Mitch would question his thoughts but that was Morrie purpose, he wanted Mitch to see things in a lovely way to get understanding of things and not just life eat you up.  Life is about love and interacting.

1. " Coach, he says. All right, I'll be your coach. And you can be my player. You call play all the lovely parts of life that I'm too old now" (Pg31). The reason why I like this line is because I thought of my past and present teachers and how each one affects me in different ways. To me they are role models.
2.  " The culture we have does not make people feel good about themselves. And you have to be strong enough to say if the culture doesn't, don't buy it" (Pg 42).  This quote came to my attention because I thought of myself when I'm in certain situations and how I deal with them.  When I do try hard and it’s something that I’m not passionate about or not so good at I tend to fail more than to achieve it. I guess, because I know I’m not good at it and “our culture" makes it feel as though it’s impossible to understand. This is why to me is “don’t buy it".

3. So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half-asleep, even when they're busy doing things they think are important. This is because they're chasing the wrong things. The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote your-self to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning" (Pg 43) This one was my favorite because I thought of how I use to work so many days so that I can gain a lot of money, but in the end I was tried all the time and I wasn't giving nice energy to the people at work or at home for some reason I was moody person. When this was happening to me, people at worked wasn't being so nice to me and at home there were arguments for no reason. When I noticed this, I had to change my work days and I felt so much better and happy to see people.

Reading this book makes me think about my past and present teachers. Some days they were harsh and I would get mad, but it wasn't in the sense of hate and some days they were really nice.  Throughout the years, my teachers gave me comfort into believing and getting purpose of things.  In Tuesdays with Morrie, he gave Mitch a reason to keep seeing him on Tuesdays. Mitch saw Morrie as a coach. When Mitch knew that Morrie was slowly dying he wanted to become closer to him. Having this relationship benefited both partners in a loving way. Morrie illness made him a stronger person and Mitch “touchy-feely" person. When morrie went for the “Nightline" TV show,  Koppel spoke about what  will Morrie do when he can't talk no more, Morrie answered people will have to start asking him yes and no questions. When Morrie said this is made think about, it can't be the end of things until a person delta with their situation and figure out a way so it can cope with them.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

HW 21 - Expert #1

1. Beth Husband foot blow up.
2. Eric was 90 pounds
3. Beth  didn't want her older son to see his father, while he was in college
4. Beth went to see a buddtist
5. Beth continued  to do her husband art work
6. Never spoke about his death comming
7. Eric was a jolly man, he was the man that every body liked
8. there was a stillness when he died

In class while Beth was talking, I'm thinking in my head "Wow she is a strong woman, but how is she able to talk about her husband death without crying". If I were to gone up there I would have been crying the whole time.  But I was crying inside, my heart hurt while she spoke about the experience of her husband death.  It surprised me when Beth mentioned her husband was about 90 pounds, when he died. The reason why it did is because it’s a difference between 200 and 90 pounds, she mentioned he died like a vegetable, I pictured once a healthy man and now just skin and bone. I never seen anybody so sick or knew anybody that had to stay in the hospital for a long period of time, but when my friend got food poisoning I helped him, with getting water. I made sure I was there and I didn't want to move. When Beth made sure she was by her husband side, I could tell they had a strong relationship and she wasn't giving up on him. I think that’s most important between people is to not give up on one another.  This is where people start to believe and say "things will get better" I don't think people should pretend if a person is sick to pretend they will get better.  When someone is sick it’s better to give positive energy and then your grief. This what Beth did. This also made me think about a friend I once had, He is an alcoholic I thought about him dying while Beth was talking. It made my heart hurt even more. When I was thirteen years old me knowing this person, I didn't want to be around him much because all he did was drink, but he wasn't a bad person he just needed a person to talk too.  He told me stories how he got his stomach pumped and every time I saw him he smelled and he was always sweating. At one point I felt so bad, that I did a whole search for a rehab for him, but he didn't listen.  I stop becoming friends with this person because I was young and I didn't understand why he couldn't stop if he knew his health was in danger, why continue harming yourself? I thought. He was coming to me, asking me to solve his problems and I couldn't. This made me uncomfortable. I couldn't help him with his problems all I could offer was to listen and be nice to him at the time.  I can say he is still alive, but Beth telling her story made me think about he can die too.
In our society, we try to make things work out best for the person is sick is by going to the hospital. Which can help, but there’s also something missing, which is faith and knowing will the person we care for die in a peace full death. This is where I believe spirituality grows and it’s important to have support for in ourselves. It’s like feeling pain for the person and yourself, but you want to stay strong so you look for messages that can help you.  This is where Beth talking about when she went to a Buddhist, I guess to feel support for her ?She talked about how the Buddhist told her  he would stop talking, and he would push away his arms in the air  as though he knew he was going to die pretty soon. This happened to her husband.  I would say I would so the same, to look for a message to help my sprit lift, so that my weakness don’t overcome me. Looking for medical help, I feel don’t help all the time because they just tend to drug you, and keep the person so that they can die in the hospital. Beth didn’t do this for her husband; she wanted to be by her husband side.  I don’t know Beth personally but her experience made me have questions about the purpose of life. Talking about her husband death was an experience for me.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

HW 19 - Family Perspectives on Illness & Dying

Bienvenida : I know that dieng is natural, and I will  die later on in life. I'm not scared to die but I just want to live a long life, and not die soon like many other people I know.  I believe that dieing comes from a person being sick or it just being natural. When my mother died, I was sad and cried but  I can say that she lived for many years and she lived the life that she wanted. She was a happy women with all her kids that she rasied well. When someone dies I understand and at times its random , but theres nothing you can do to bring the person back.  But you can hold on to good memories. When I was child, my mother would make the best sweet potato soup when one of  us were sick but we all enjoyed it even if we weren't.  She will also give us homemade tea which she made from leaves from our orange and mango tree we had in the backyard. 

This is what my mother said about dieing and illness, when some one in the family got really sick my grandmother would take them to the hospital, but other then that they became well with homemade soup and tea.

 Si Leticia la muerte es natural pero alguien puede vivir para mucho tempio.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

HW 18 - Health & Illness & Feasting

Thanksgiving: The first thing that comes to mind on Thanksgiving is food.
But when giving thanks, I thank that I have my family.
For this Thanksgiving, I ate at my house and not traveled uptown to my aunt’s house, where my cousins are at. We decided to eat at the house and create our own thanksgiving day.   My sister-in-law, my brother, my nephew and my mother this will be all our first time with just a couple people and not some big party.   I’m use to my cousins asking me hundred questions, music playing and my aunts and uncles loud voices taking over the room. This year it wasn't so loud and I spent it where I didn't feel the need to dance but talk and a played board games. Since this holiday, I spent it at my house I was able to go to my friend’s house and there I ate more food but it tasted different, but in a good way.  This was a holiday were I just didn’t see relatives but another experience with another family. For all my life, until this year I always had to go to my aunt’s house for every holiday no matter what. She had the big house and everyone felt the need to go to my aunt’s house.  Our traditions food, and dancing, this is where the holidays have to be celebrated for a while. My mom and I felt the need to spend it with the people who live with us and for us this was important and our traditions foods were still involved.   
 We were taught that each holiday we should spend it with our family and eat heavy loads of food, and to feel happy. On this day or around Thanksgiving Day, people were dying and the white men were eating loads of food while the natives were slaving away.  This is what we are celebrating, I don't feel that I'm celebrating my thanksgiving in a bad way, but since this is the history of where I was  born , I am supporting what happened on Thanksgiving day.
When eating food, people feel happy. Then again we are just happy there’s food in our bodies instead of paying attention to where the food came from? Or why are the people eating these types of foods that giving. We take advantage of the things that’s giving; Holidays are part of the dominate discourses because people feel that everyone is required to do. This is why we create   black Fridays and sales for people to shop, isn’t this holiday we are supposed to give thanks and think about family? This goes with dying and illness because it’s a tradition that people are required to do, go visit them in the hospital, funerals but it’s important for people to feel connected.  We have to socialize and interact with one another to know people still care. The importance of people seeing each other counts, even when seeing new people we tend to feel happier, because seeing face and talking, laughing is what bring people close, this is where people create traditions and reunions.

Monday, November 22, 2010

HW 17 - First Thoughts on the Illness & Dying Unit

1. Your experience with the topics.
The years I been in Sof, in class death and illness wasn't one of our topics.  Until this year, I haven't learned why in funerals you have to wear black? or where the idea of funerals came from.
2. The way you've been taught to see illness & dying.
Some of my family members died before I was born, so death  of someone wasn't something I  really experiance. Until I was about 11 years old, but the death  wasn't as sad for me than my mom and other family members. I do remember crying for my grandmother because I known her for most of my life and for my step grandfather. So the fact  I wont see them or hear from them effect me in the momment.   I been to two awakes and I felt unconformable , I didn't know what to do or how to react, I don't like saying sorry for  your lost or sorry period. To see other people cry makes me feel unconforcomable. 
3. Social norms around illness & dying in our culture.
We have to wear black..
 Most people say sorry for your lost
RIP Who ever is died. On facebook or myspace and any other network.
Tattoo of person face or name
4. Your family's approach to these aspects of life.
My mom never froced me to go to a furneral or awake
My family doesn't talk about the person that died as much unless we are remembering a momment. We have pictures and some family memebers vist the grave. If buried in the US.  If a family member died in the Dominica Republic than you will vist their grave.  I never did.
 I am going to the Dominican Republic in 2012 ( The whole family) For the 7th years its been since mygrandmother death. So we are having a family get together. 
5. Possibly unusual perspectives you have about being sick and/or dying.
I believe people get sick from either past generations or something that spread and lead too an illness or deaths. Also something went wrong during DNA and the process of genes
Weather change
 A person eating habites
Not caring for self.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

People have been eating for many years


Many of the dominant social practices in our society - practices that define a "normal" life - on further investigation turn out to involve nightmares and industrial atrocities.

Main point:
 The Food industry keeps the real facts so the people could still buy the food.  If were to find out the people won’t eat the nightmares foods and be involved in the industrial atrocities.

Supporting Argument 1:
Consumers don’t know the details in the food that’s given;

Evidence 1: Ammonia in beef ( FOOD Inc.)
Evidence 2: cows are living in their manure

Evidence 3: chickens are injected with steroids; a chicken can grow in 49 days, instead of 3 mths (Food Inc.)

Supporting Argument 2:
The dominant discourse will provide unhealthy food.
Evidence 1: corn is cheap ( Omnivore's Delusion)
Evidence 2:  People health at risk because of the food industry.
Evidence 3: Provide people what they want. So everything becomes faster. ( Food Inc.)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Food, Inc

The film Food Inc, pointed out the food industry keep the farmers from letting them grow their own products.  The farmers have to keep up with the food industry, so whatever they say goes. Therefore, the farmer can't mention how they treat their animals.  So what we eat is kept a secret because if were to find out how our food is made, people won’t buy it any more.  Most of the famers chickens never seen sunshine; they raise a cow to eat corn. The chickens and cows get tortured while they are in the slaughter houses.  In the pen house, chickens are fed with stereos. This makes them grow too fast and can’t walk no more.  These farmers have small amount of land to produce a lot of food.  We treat animals like I -it instead of I or shall, we want to control how things are, we don’t let it be “God” creation. It’s more about moving fast and getting things done. Instead of what’s really being fed to the people.
Watching the movie gave me more of the bigger picture then book.  In Omnivores Dilemma, it provided more of another person view and in Food Inc gave us the ability to see it ourselves. While reading the book it mentioned on a farm, manure would be a source of fertility.  At a CAFO like poky becomes it’s on toxic waste. While in the movie it showed us cow’s walking in their own manure, and they have small space to move around. What stay triggered in my thoughts was how one of the famers mentioned we try to control things instead of learning more about the animals its self. I would like to change my meat eating habits, be more aware of how the meat looks and think about what’s really in this chicken or beef I’m eating. This can help me cut down from eating meat every day to let’s just eat meat three times a week  and one out of my three meals only could be meat.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


2. How do the Freakonomics authors address the "correlation versus causation" issue? Do they pretend correlation IS causation? Do they prove that some correlation is causation, and if so, how? Or do they explicitly acknowledge the lack of proof of causation?

The authors of Freakonomics address the "correlation V.S causation" issue many times throughout the movie. They told us that if you can find out someone's incentive then you can guess how they are going act. Correlation proves causation. In the movie the authors mentioned that the crime rates have dropped because there is more police and gun control. It was more than police and gun control; it had to do with the movement of women having the ability to have an abortion. Evidence showed if a mother didn't want to keep a child it was mostly likely to have a bad reputation and end up in jail, if she kept the baby because she was willing to take care of the child , the child won’t have a high chance of going to jail.

3. What sources of evidence do the Freakonomics authors most rely on? Why is this innovative?
The authors from Freakonmics rely on the news and the people reactions. They look at specific categories. An example, is black and white names they sent out resumes with black names and white names. The people with white names got called back faster than the black names. This shows that they mostly look at evidence and the nominal data.
4. Freakonomics serves as an inspiration and good example to our attempt to explore the "hidden-in-plain-sight" weirdness of dominant social practices.
I agree with this statement because it explains why things happen in the society and how the society believes. The process of what we do to informer the people is Important because we depend on what’s given how it reacts to us.


Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Before Dinner!. My beautiful sprouts.

placed on top of some chicken! with a little bit of hot sause. It tasted very well togetther. yumm.    

The process of the Sprouts growing was not what I expected; I thought it was going to take forever for the sprouts to get to its destination.  I didn’t find it disguising, more like amusing to see the sprouts grow less than a week (if Taken care of). The week Andy told us about the sprouts, he gave us intrusions from there the students took over. No Andy did not put a gun up to our heads, to water our sprouts, when I felt like watering my sprouts it was done.  The fact that I grew my own food was delightful to see it and eat it organic.  

Monday, October 4, 2010

Reading Response chapters 1-2.3.4ect.. Hw7

Chapter 7
 Fat from corn

Can you eat more, please? PartII.

Three of every five Americans overweight; one of every five is obese. Among kids, its almost as bad Seventeen percent of kids age six through nineteen are obese. This giant public health problem, costing the health care system an estimated $90 billion a year. Fast-Food adversting encourages us to eat supersized meals. It is actually cheaper to eat high-calorie, fatty, processed foods than whole foods. All these explanations are true, but they don't tell the whole story.

Extra Calories
 Snice 1977, an American average daily intake of calories has jumped by more than 10 percent. Snice we aren't excercising more, the calories end up being stored away in fat cells in our bodies. Where did all those cheap calories come from? If you've read this far, you already know the answer--most of them come from cheap corn.

Cheap Fat
 Surprisingly, the health problems of eating too much hit poor people hardest. Thats because if you count the calories, foods loaded with sugar and fat are the cheapest foods in the market. A recent study showed this was true. In a typical supermarket, one dollar could buy 1,200 calories of potato chips and cookies. The same dollar could only buy 250 calories of carrots and other vegetables

Cheap food cost more fat.  But healthier food cost more?. Shouldn't they balance each other out, to provide for the people. They shouldn't have to use cheep corn for everything. Animals should be able to grow how they are suppose and so should humans. We are moving to fast.

Chapter 6
Splitting The Kernel

 To make processed food corn is first broken down into different parts. Those parts are put back togetther in new ways to make the sweeter in your soft drink or the starch in your hamburger roll. All of this happenes in a factory called a "wet mill".

Industrail Digestion
The mill itsself is maze of stainless steel pipes, valves, filters, and tanks. Corn travles through the maze and is broken down through a series of steps including grinding(like the teeth) and soaking in acid(like the stomach).  By the time it reaches the end, the corn is reduced to simple molecules, mostly sugars. Soy beans go through a similar process.
The frist step in the" digestion" of corn is to spilt the Kernel into different parts:
  • The yellow skin.
  • The germ, the tiny dark nearest the cob. Thats the part that holds a tiny embryo of corn plant.
  • The endosperm. The biggest part of the kernel filled with carbohydrates.
 Starch Into Sugar
whats left after that is white liquid thats poured out into a stainless steel table.

Why do we say corn is healthy?
What about other vegetables?
Can this chain ever be broken?

 I guess corn is processed food too. Everything we eat is processed . Not only do the majority of the humans think corn is a healthy vegetables but all we are eating is corn-beef. This is very disponding, Corn is not healthy no more I don't think it ever was.  This makes it harder for the farmers not to grow corn because it part of every food but makes it easier for the Companies that support Corn feeding. Therefore it all in it to win.

Chapter 5.

The Feedlot-Turning corn into Meat

The feedlot appeared suddenly, but the stench of the place had rising for more than a mile I soon learned why. At frist I thought the cattle were standing or lying in a grayisk mud. Then it dawned on me-- that wasn't mud at all. It manure. At endless series of cattle pensstrenched to the horizon, each one to a hundred or so animals. The cattle pens filled with animals and their waste, are built around corn mill.

 CAFO -Concentrated animal feeding operation

The old -fashioned way of raising cattle, like the old -fashioned way of growing corn, was on the small family farm.  Cattle are now rasied in densely packed animal cities like Poky's. These places are called CAFOs. Farmers gave up rasing cattle because , as strang as it might seem, it costs a farmer more to grow feed corn than  it cost a CAFO to buy it.( Thanks to those government subsidies). Eating meat used to be a special occasion in most  American homes. Thanks to CAFOs, meat is now so cheap that many of us eat three times a day. Of  course, The Americans tax-payers have already paid part of the cost by subsidizing corn. On the old-Fashioned farm, there is really no such thing as waste. Animal manure goes back into the fields as fertilizer.But the waste Animal  from CAFOs is huge source of very toxic polution.

Why would they except CAFOS?
Why  organic does not work with the agribusiness? does it take more work if they grew aniamls regular?
do we blam the people for eating the meat?
why do need to make cheep meat in the first place?

From this chapter i can conclude that they treat anmails like business for money and pleasure, There no harm to what they are doing to the animals . They fact there  is a bussines of cow growing ( CAFOs) its very bitter and more about the money. CAFOs does make meat cheep but then theirs complains about health and environmental issues when meat  factories and farmers has to do with the problem as well.

Chapter 4.

The Grain Elevator

Precis: Grain Elevators are tall, hollow concrete tubes, like silos. They are the tallest building by far in this part of Iowa. You can see them for miles. But what stood on this gray days was a bright yellow pyramid the size of a circus tent piched near the base elevator. The next afternoon I met a Mexican American crop scientist named Rocardo Salvador, a professor at Iowa state university. He told me he'd had a similar reaction the frist time he'd seen kernels littering Iwoa roads in october.
The River of corn

People have to consume it in new ways, in new kinds of processed food. Animals that never ate corn before must be taught to eat it. We have to turn it into ethanol fuel for our cars. We have to get other nations to improt it. Making matter still more difficult, the golden river of corn is controlled by tiny number of corporations. It has been estimated that cargill and ADM together buy somewhere near a third of all the corn grown in America. These two companies guide corn's path every step of the way. They sell the pesticides and fertilizer to the farmers. They operate most of American grain elevators. They ship most of the corn exported to other countries.They mill the corn into its different parts to be used in processed food.

Why stay a farmer?
What if cows and chickens started to die because of the corn? Will they go back to their regular food habits?
What if we were to make food in the right season?

Gems: Reading this chapter, make sense of where the food is comming from. Corn is very powerful and makes the food chain run successful. With out corn or gas the agribusiness  will not seceded. This is important because instead frocing food to grow faster or bigger. We can make food at the proper season, when its suppose to be grown, use the nautal nitrogen cycle instead of us making it more of global warming.

Chapter 3.
From Farm to Factory

Turning Bombs into Fertilizer
* Plants and Nitrogen: Plants and living organisms need the element nitrogen. Without nitrogen,cells cannnot make protenis or DNA.

Agribussiness also need cheap corn from which they make prcessed food and hundreds of other products.To get the corn flowing and keep it flowing, argibussness deponds on government regulations and taxpayer money. The goverment started seriously helping back in 1947. That was when huge weapons plant in Muscle Shoals Alabama,switched over to making chemical fertilizer. Chemical fertilizer was needed to grow hybrid corn because it is very hungry crop. The richest acre of Iowa soil could never feed thirty thousand hungrycorn plants year after year.

There goes the sun

The nitrogen for the fields would no longer be made witht the energy but with fossil fuels. Farming was no longer an ecological loop-- it was more like a factory,the indurstrial farm produces just one product.

The Omnivore’s Dilemma chapters 1-2
You are what you eat, its often. If this is true, then what we are today is mostly corn.

How Corn Took Over America:
The shelves are stuffed with thousands of different items. There are dozens of different soups and salad dressings, cases stuffed with frozen dinners and ice cream and meat. The rang of food choices is amazing.
Yet if you look a little closer, you begin discover.
Corn is what feeds the steer that becomes your steak.
Corn feeds the chicken and the pig.
Corn feeds the catfish raised in fish farm.
Corn-fed chicken laid the eggs.
Corn feeds the dairy cows that produce the milk, cheese and ice-cream
The Hidden names of corn
Modified starch
Glucose syrup
xanthan gum
 Carbon From Corn
 All of our food, in fact almost all life on earth, can be traced back to Corn uses slightly different tpyes of carbon than other plants.So by looking at the tpye of carbon in our cells, scientists can tell how much corn we been eating.
The Rise of Maize
Corn was describe as towering grass with ears as thick as a man arm, That grass was called maize but today we know it as corn.  Corn began as a wild grass called Teosinte means “mother of corn “in the Native language. Since corn is easy to spread it went through Central America, corn begun its march to world domination. The Europeans presented a way of corn to spread even farther. The plant quickly adapted to the new humans and their needs.  The farmer can take any surplus to market and sell or trade it . In the new colonies corn often took place of money.
Corn allowed farming settlements to become trading settlements. Corn made the slave trade possible.
 Since we were discovering the facts about corn, it’s time to go into Iowa the field of corn. The business of agribusiness. This industry doesn’t look much like farming the way most people imagine it.  Its more series of factories that turn raw materials into products. This is all of the food chain.
One Farmer, 140 Eaters
In Iowa has some part of the richest topsoil in the world, a layer nearly two feet thick. Tall-grass prairie grew here until the mid-1800s.  George Naylor a man with a moon face is a farmer with fields of corn.   Back in 1919, when Naylor’s bought this land farming was very different and so was Naylor farm.  Naylor had all sorts of crops grew here: corn but also fruits and more vegetables, as well as oats, hay and alfalfa to feed pigs, cattle chickens and horses. The Average farmer grew enough food to feed twelve other Americans.
Now it’s different, Corn now over power plants and animals. The chicken, sheep, pigs and horses are gone. George Naylor now grows only two crops on his 470acrs- corn and soybeans. Corn even pushed most of the people off the farm. That means the average American farmer today grows enough food to feed 140 other people.  George Naylor doesn’t know the people he is feeding and they don’t know him.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Dominant Discourses Regarding Contemporary Foodways in the U.S.

Does it seem to you that the people writing (and quoted) think we are living in a time in which significant reform of U.S. foodways might occur or has occurred?
What topics seem most frequently discussed? Who gets included and quoted in the conversation? What problems require what solutions? What preoccupations or frameworks seem to contextualize debate? Please use quotes and paraphrases (accurately cited or at least hyperlinked) from your web-research to evidence your description

The moment you have something fresh you have to schedule your life around using it,” Mr. Balzer said.

Before we want health, we want taste, we want convenience and we want low cost,” Mr. Balzer said.

When the article about Salmonella at Egg Farm spoke about the conditions in the farms, the companies that provides to Congress, however, “did not show whether Wright County Egg took appropriate steps to protect the public after receiving the positive test results”(New york Times) In the article  what seems to discussed is that the environment were the farmers were producing their eggs the state food safety  explained  that the salmonella was coming from the eggs and how they were being cared .  The farmers clamed  they did ask for the results but the food safety reported the salmonella is not coming from the eggs. “We have requested and continue to ask for information from F.D.A. about how our testing results relate to the current outbreak strain being investigated,” the company said. “We are critically interested in how this situation occurred and continue to consider that feed ingredient contamination may be a root cause of this problem.”(Wright company egg)  Figuring out the problem was the main idea to know the root of the real problem.
“Unfortunately, behavior changes won’t work on their own without seismic societal shifts, health experts say, because eating too much and exercising too little are merely symptoms of a much larger malady” (forester fat) Food is caused by the environment if the society is being shown fast foods for cheap than buying a burger than a salad will be the option.  It makes it harder for people to eat healthier.  Obesity is a problem because people buy what they can afford.   People get comfortable with the way things are. If healthier options were available for the people and it just won’t be for the wealth or middle class, there’s a chance people won’t be as comfortable. “If you change the culture and the environment first, then you can go back into a healthy environment and, when you get change, it sticks.”(Dr. Edington) if things were being enforced there will be more structure to less food problems and people with health situations.
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a comprehensive nationwide behavioral study of fruit and vegetable consumption. Only 26 percent of the nation’s adults eat vegetables three or more times a day, it concluded. (And no, that does not include French fries.) The C.F.C.P was in most articles talking about they didn’t expect people health in N.YC to be in such a low rank “The amount of vegetables Americans eat is less than half of what public health officials had hoped. Worse, it has barely budged since 2000.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Your Families' Foodways

My family enjoys cooking even if it’s for a 1000 people we will come together and cook a storm. The people that I lived with went through many stages of food. It went from eat “whatever you please” to stop it because you allergic to it, the whole concept of cooking change. My mother would cook the things that I and my sister would be able to eat. My mother is a diabetic, so this change of eating was a habit that we all grew together. In the Dominican Republic, we have our dinner around 3:00pm and light meal around 8:00pm and that’s how it always been. When my family members would have to live in my house they would bring that routine.  I could be hanging out and I come home there will be dinner waiting on the table. But this wasn’t the routine all the time in my house; this was when I was younger. As I got older my mom showed me how to cook and after a while I was making meals for myself because my mother will be working. When a family member came I wouldn't have to cook, there will be someone in the house to cook.
I would say the generation in my family feeds on starch rice, bread, sweet potatoes and plantains we are also meat eaters except for my sister.  Every dinner that I have, there is rice and meat, most of the time corn. If there’s no rice then somebody will be upset, and rice will be cooked (It’s just rice all day) and then one day we might get tired and cook tacos or pasta. My grandmother favorite foods were a sweet potato, that’s all she would talk about and that’s all she ate. If you were sick she makes you a sweet potatoes soup.  She will ask me if I got sweet potato in my plate and if I didn’t she would go make me get a piece at least. Instead of have mashed regular potatoes my mother would smash sweet potatoes.  This is probably why I don’t like regular potatoes as much.
When I was little, vegetables weren’t a problem I liked eating broth from the beans, broccoli, corn and eggplant. My mother would smash the beans so I wouldn’t know they were in the rice after a while I got use to it and became a bean lover. Eating different foods became natural to me my mother never told don’t eat something because she thought it didn’t taste good, it would be left to my dissention .There is always a saying that most people in my family say “Don’t mention anything that would upset the person while eating”. It’s important for the person to be connected with their food, so if have situation happened wait until later to talk about it. When this was told, I thought ‘Food is important and what’s eaten effects how I feel’.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Fast Food Insights and Green Market Realizations

Fast Food Insights and Green Market Realizations

McDonalds’ is addictive. The Green Market is addictive in a good way; it brings a healthy vibe to you. When I step into McDonalds I felt the grease of the fries into my heart. When I worked in my McDonalds I would eat McDonalds every day and noticed I would break out and I probably gained more weight (that’s the beauty of McDonald’s) I wanted to not work there so badly. So I went out and looked for another job and now I work at Starbucks. The vibe in McDonalds or any other fast food place is fast and get the costumer. They make the costumer try to buy basically the whole menu. When I walked into the greenmarket people are friendly and it’s a fresher area its outside and the people don’t mind talking about their product. When someone ask me about the ingredients in the McDonalds food it was unconformable because 1. Myself and the person both knew it’ unhealthy 2. I don’t know the true ingredients in the frozen food they provide. 3. Do you really think McDonalds is a place to eat?  Well when that happened I just rumbled an answer hopefully they understood. If not I would say ‘would you like to talk to the manger’ then the costumer will roll their eyes and just order food. All I know if the oil is black don’t even think about getting any food, seriously.
I believe fast foods are successful because of the names they come up with. The taste you get from taking that first bite and the smell that’s seems Appling. But really what they are providing is food that’s frozen and it only takes about five minutes to cook (it’s not fully cooked). When working in McDonalds we have our regulars (people who eat the same shit every day), the people who come once in a while but are consider regulars, than there people who don’t come at all and ask about hundred questions. When I asked an older man in the green market about McDonalds he said “I stopped eating there because what they do to the meat” but then I asked do you still buy it he replied “Only when I’m in a rush and I’m starving”. Therefore, just the fact McDonalds is able to provide food that is fast people will consider buying it. I visit the green market more than McDonalds, when I step into a McDonalds it secretly makes me want the food but not because I want the food, but it stimulates my taste buds so I think I want it.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Food - Initial Thoughts

What are your priorities in food and what do you think of those priorities?In what ways does your typical meal fail to meet the desires of an ideal meal, and what do you think of that? Is food sacred (and what does that mean)?

When I think of food, my tasted buds get prepare for meaningful food. I love home cooked meals, I enjoy those the most. I can tell the difference between home cooked meals or a meal that a person rushed to cook and it doesn't taste the way you pictured it. Those meals I get angry and want to throw it in the person’s face. If the food is not colorful and it looks like you might die from taking a bite, don’t ask me to eat it.  I think every food should be made with care and thought because what you eat effects how you feel. If you’re in a Chinese restaurant and the Asian person that is cooking your food doesn’t look happy or saying curse words then I suggest not eating there.  

Food can be scary; when I do eat meat (Which is basically every day) I think about what if these animals were to be alive? Would it matter? What if we were all vegetarian’s?  Would the processes be the same for all the sea animals? They would probably make a new sea creature and say it’s really good for our body.  My sister would force me to watch documents about meat factories. Which I thought were helpful but it didn’t change my mind about eating meat. My mind is forced to eat meat. When she visited there will be vegan dishes sitting on the table after school. I did noticed a difference when I just ate vegetables or when my plate was filled with more greens than meat I felt more active. But my food habits started changing when I took an allergy test so, NO NUTS, MILK, EGGS for myself. I started liking vegetables and it expanded my taste buds. We humans can't survive without food. We need food! If we’re hungry we got to eat!  It’s true I become very moody when I’m hungry and if the food is not ready.  It’s funny how I think this, but there’s people out in the world where every day its survival for them. Some people don’t get to eat every day or have full meals for themselves. The truth is we humans will come to do anything for food. This is probably why they try to make diet food, natural juice, natural foods but is it really natural? It’s labeled on the product but we don’t really know. We don’t live on farms or go hunting in the woods (most people in the city don’t).  I don’t wake up and tell my mom lets go find a deer tonight for dinner.