Friday, December 31, 2010

HW 26 - Looking back & forward in unit

During this unit I realized..

1. How easy it is for someone to die
2. How easy it is for some ne to get sick
3. Canada has free health care

4. People that  work in the health industry  will get a raise if they let someone die.

When I found this out, it made wish if only our bodies were able to not ever get sick, because once you get sick it eithers gets better or worse.( Which is scary to think about) . This was the unit I wanted to learn about because I lost family members I never met  but also  I know people who lost a family members and I didn't know how to react , It made me feel weird. When I hear one of family member is sick, it worries me because now I do understand what death is? (Concept of death) and from hearing other people experience how they deal with it. Honestly, I still wouldn't know how to react but my mind seems ready for the reality of death.  Death is real, and it’s up to a person to how they want to deal with it.  This is something I think about because my family generation is an elderly generation; I don’t have that much little cousins, but lots of older cousins, aunts and uncles. My brothers and sisters are all older than me. It makes think about in 20 years how my family is going to be…

What source(s) have been most helpful for you in coming to a deeper understanding of our culture's dominant social practices around illness and dying? How & why?
Watching some parts of sicko and the documentary. I noticed that in sicko it showed many different views of how everything is played in the health care service for the people. In the documentary, they spoke to their patients and try to make them understand what’s going to their bodies. But then again it’s just a daily routine in the hospital. I noticed if a person has a health care they need to get approved first, if not they will get rejected and have to suffer with their illness. In these movies doctors don’t want to play “God" so they need to hear from the person family or suggest another option. From these movies I thought to myself well why do Doctors want to be Doctors? If some don’t have the freedom to really help a person. The freedom and the choice to help… not just the freedom (Sicko).
Can we really understand death? Or a person we don’t know death experience? These are questions that I will think about but not sure how I will keep it to an understanding.

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