Leticia Pichardo:
Hi luz,
I'm here to give you feed back. I like the part when you said "She learned that being sad about something you cannot change did nothing but made you more miserable". Learning that in most of my classes, I was always the girl little taller and heavier then most people , I couldn't change that because I was ment to be tall and my body is not like everybody else,so this is something I accpected instead of makeing myself more miserable.
Another part that I liked " By accepting fate she found that she had some of the happiest times with her husband in all of their 26 years together". The reason why I enjoy reading this part is because you mentioned that accepting fate she found the happiest times being with her husband. I thought wasn't able to find another job, So I stood in Mcdondals longer which didn't make me happier.This not being happy is something I did not want to feel, so one day I went job searching and I got the job I wanted. Beth accepting her husband sickness didn't make her sad but closer to her husband.
You did well with connecting the emotions Beth had for husband and you tied it back with your emotions and your experiance.
-Leticia P
Hi Chris M,
Leticia Pichardo
I'm here to give you feed back.
I think you can expand more on "When the guess speaker explained that Erik would not let his older son come and visit him I couldn't understand why" Maybe can you mentioned why you dont understand? Would you want people to see you sick? Do you think there should have been another way?.How would have delt if someone close to you did'nt want you see them? I think these questions could help to make your thoughts more into depth. then just stateing them and not really expanding your thoughts.
-Leticia p
This was not the hw. but I should still comment on what you have
I was bit confused about if you were talking about the experiance you have eating thanksgivig with your family or with another. I liked the part were you mentioned " The host had a tradition to eat all the food that was brought to the meal ,because if all the food was eaten it would bring good luck". The reason I think i would have been obligated to eat a lot of food too. To hear a person to have "good luck"seems like a good thing.
I think next time , you should Structured
more your thoughts so it could be a little bit more clear.Over all I liked reading your thAnksgivg blog.
-Leticia p
Henry (bro)
I think you provided a great example of a personal experience where you were unable to change a horrific situation. It clearly shows that you related to Beth’s story and had a very good idea of what she went through.
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