Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Dominant Discourses Regarding Contemporary Foodways in the U.S.

Does it seem to you that the people writing (and quoted) think we are living in a time in which significant reform of U.S. foodways might occur or has occurred?
What topics seem most frequently discussed? Who gets included and quoted in the conversation? What problems require what solutions? What preoccupations or frameworks seem to contextualize debate? Please use quotes and paraphrases (accurately cited or at least hyperlinked) from your web-research to evidence your description

The moment you have something fresh you have to schedule your life around using it,” Mr. Balzer said.

Before we want health, we want taste, we want convenience and we want low cost,” Mr. Balzer said.

When the article about Salmonella at Egg Farm spoke about the conditions in the farms, the companies that provides to Congress, however, “did not show whether Wright County Egg took appropriate steps to protect the public after receiving the positive test results”(New york Times) In the article  what seems to discussed is that the environment were the farmers were producing their eggs the state food safety  explained  that the salmonella was coming from the eggs and how they were being cared .  The farmers clamed  they did ask for the results but the food safety reported the salmonella is not coming from the eggs. “We have requested and continue to ask for information from F.D.A. about how our testing results relate to the current outbreak strain being investigated,” the company said. “We are critically interested in how this situation occurred and continue to consider that feed ingredient contamination may be a root cause of this problem.”(Wright company egg)  Figuring out the problem was the main idea to know the root of the real problem.
“Unfortunately, behavior changes won’t work on their own without seismic societal shifts, health experts say, because eating too much and exercising too little are merely symptoms of a much larger malady” (forester fat) Food is caused by the environment if the society is being shown fast foods for cheap than buying a burger than a salad will be the option.  It makes it harder for people to eat healthier.  Obesity is a problem because people buy what they can afford.   People get comfortable with the way things are. If healthier options were available for the people and it just won’t be for the wealth or middle class, there’s a chance people won’t be as comfortable. “If you change the culture and the environment first, then you can go back into a healthy environment and, when you get change, it sticks.”(Dr. Edington) if things were being enforced there will be more structure to less food problems and people with health situations.
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a comprehensive nationwide behavioral study of fruit and vegetable consumption. Only 26 percent of the nation’s adults eat vegetables three or more times a day, it concluded. (And no, that does not include French fries.) The C.F.C.P was in most articles talking about they didn’t expect people health in N.YC to be in such a low rank “The amount of vegetables Americans eat is less than half of what public health officials had hoped. Worse, it has barely budged since 2000.

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