Sunday, May 8, 2011

HW 52 - Third Third of the COTD Book

Précis:  Each chapter contains a new experience that June accoutered.  Overcoming Tragedy, The son who learned from his mother’s Suicide, The New Born Whose life was stolen.  A mortician's Diary......~~~
 Published: 2006
Morticians Dairy:
1. "In This way I learned that even though life sends us difficulties, it also sends small comforts to help us along the way".(pg 64). The reason why I like this quote is because even though her mother was very ill, she didn't want to show sadness, she wanted her mother to become a stronger person. And when difficulties come into our life, I feel like we have to figure out ways to make the outcome better.
The Son Who learned from his mother's suicide:
2.  I explained to him that I'd heard of other suicide victims who had seemed happy once they'd made the decision kill themselves, perhaps because they feel relieved that their pain will end soon"(pg70).  When I heard this I was confused, but it makes sense, When I'm sad, I rather pain be taken away for a second then a whole hour.. & my Mind does it, by the end of the day I would have forgotten what happen... But if someone was to bring the subject again it would have made me sad again because its sensitive. His mother taken her life away was a second she wanted her pain to go away.

The New Born Whose life was stolen:
3. " Dr. Dixon inserted the forceps to turn the baby; the forceps evidently got tangled in the cord and ripped it out of the umbilicus. The baby bled to death before it could be born"(pg73). This quote made think about the movie Business of being bore, when the midwife did not know that the baby, was going to be 3 pound, and if the lady would have delivered the baby naturally it could have died.  This relates because we believe in doctors and midwives, this case they both made mistake.
Reading this book, reminds me of when I read Tuesdays with Morrie, because Morrie was an old man disgoused with ALS and he didn't let that interfere with his life. Kept a close relationships with one of his students Mitch. Every Tuesday Morrie and Mitch will meettup and talk about life, things that happen to Morrie and in Mitch life too.  Morrie wanted Mitch to understand that it never the ends of things because they are plenty of ways to make things better. In Mortician Diaries June, has been around death her whole life, she felt that growing up in a farm helped her understand nature’s way of letting things die. June also dealt with situations in her life, which she learned instead of it letting it take over her life. Her being Mortician , was her way of helping people that she would her best job to make the funeral of a friend or family member a good experience, she tends to relate what happened to a patient to herself, if it was a kid that died, man or women... I think it’s because a lot of people in her life died (So I think she feels connected) this is why she ends up being close friends with the person that lost a family member. Us people connected our own emotions to help someone else cope with their own.

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