- Facing Terminal Illness – Tuesdays, My Brother, Beth
- Isolation – hospitalization, old folks’ homes, Stigma
- Paying for medical care – historically and now – Sicko, Sick, Landmark, Beth,
- The process of dying – Near-Death, Beth, A Time For Dying
- Being sick – Family interviews, own experience.
Facing Terminal Illness – Tuesdays, My Brother, Beth
Tuesdays with Morrie:
Morrie faced the illness of ALS Which parts of your body will begin to shut down slowly. Morrie lived a happy man and spent his Tuesdays with one of students until his death. While they met every tuesdays Mitch will have meaning full conversations. Each Tuesday was a lesson to be learned and spiritual growth between Morrie and Mitch. Meeting each tuesdays the bond between the student and the teacher became became closer. Morrie illness made him a stronger person, people didn't give up on Morrie and Morrie didn't give up on himself. Morrie wrote letters to people he never knew and still he made an important impact on them. "But Giving to other people is what makes me feel alive. Not my car or my house. Not what look like in the mirror. When I give time, when I can make someone smile after they were seeing sad, it’s as close to healthy as I ever feel”(pg.128) This quote explains, Morrie personality through the whole book ,Morrie learned through his sickness and brought people closer to him. Even though each day was getting harder for him, he continued things he enjoyed with himself and other people.
Beth :
It surprised me when Beth mentioned her husband was about 90 pounds, when he died. The reason why it did is because it’s a difference between 200 and 90 pounds, she mentioned he died like a vegetable, I pictured once a healthy man and now just skin and bone. Not only this person it still breathing, but they are living through whats almost then end of their life being. I think whats important between relationships is to not give up on one another. There's one things between treating somebody like there dead and treating them like they are still important to you. This is where people start to believe and say "things will get better" I don't think people should pretend if a person is sick to pretend they will get better. But when someone is sick it’s better to give positive energy and then your grief. This what Beth did. In our society, we try to make things work out best for the person that is sick, by going to the hospital. Which can help, but there’s also something missing, which is faith and knowing will the person we care for die in a peace full death. This is where I believe spirituality grows and it’s important to have support for in ourselves. It’s like feeling pain for the person and yourself, but you want to stay strong so you look for messages that can help you. This is where Beth talking about when she went to a Buddhist, I guess to feel support for her ? She talked about how the Buddhist told her he would stop talking, and he would push away his arms in the air as though he knew he was going to die pretty soon. This happened to her husband. I would say I would so the same, to look for a message to help my spirit lift, so that my weakness don’t overcome me. Looking for medical help, and taking a person to the hospital when they are near death can only be more painful to process because is not intimate , especially in the hospital because people die in the hospital everyday and they don't care about what connection you had with the person that is sick . Where if it was in your home and the person dies , it will be more memorable and safe to deal with.
Mom (Bienvenida) :
Bienvenida : I know that dieng is natural, and I will die later on in life. I'm not scared to die but I just want to live a long life, and not die soon like many other people I know. I believe that dieing comes from a person being sick or it just being natural. When my mother died, I was sad and cried but I can say that she lived for many years and she lived the life that she wanted. She was a happy women with all her kids that she rasied well. When someone dies I understand and at times its random , but theres nothing you can do to bring the person back. But you can hold on to good memories. When I was child, my mother would make the best sweet potato soup when one of us were sick but we all enjoyed it even if we weren't. She will also give us homemade tea which she made from leaves from our orange and mango tree we had in the backyard.
This is what my mother said about dieing and illness, when some one in the family got really sick my grandmother would take them to the hospital, but other then that they became well with homemade soup and tea.
Si Leticia la muerte es natural pero alguien puede vivir para mucho tempio.
From the Guest speaker Beth and my mother, I can say they believe on natural deaths and not much of medical. It should be more about the family being around then a whole bunch of strangers in the hospital that dont know you as a perosn. This I respect, I respect this way because its more about the people you know and the energy they give to you. I rather be treated well with my family, where I feel safe than to be in a hospital where there are sick people and in/outcomers everyday. This can be something where the family grow as a whole than, just a doctors and nurses comming to the person not knowing them. I understand that doctors treat patient everyday and be as nice as possible but this does not meet the patinets desire of being care for. I say this because if the doctor only vistes when he can, this only applies to his schuelde not the patinets, nurses are only told to help you if they are required too not if they want too. Which makes it hard for the patient and the doctor to have an intimate time. People hold on to things that makes them feel good, important and safe. This can happen between close friends and family... not so much on a doctor.
Beth :
It surprised me when Beth mentioned her husband was about 90 pounds, when he died. The reason why it did is because it’s a difference between 200 and 90 pounds, she mentioned he died like a vegetable, I pictured once a healthy man and now just skin and bone. Not only this person it still breathing, but they are living through whats almost then end of their life being. I think whats important between relationships is to not give up on one another. There's one things between treating somebody like there dead and treating them like they are still important to you. This is where people start to believe and say "things will get better" I don't think people should pretend if a person is sick to pretend they will get better. But when someone is sick it’s better to give positive energy and then your grief. This what Beth did. In our society, we try to make things work out best for the person that is sick, by going to the hospital. Which can help, but there’s also something missing, which is faith and knowing will the person we care for die in a peace full death. This is where I believe spirituality grows and it’s important to have support for in ourselves. It’s like feeling pain for the person and yourself, but you want to stay strong so you look for messages that can help you. This is where Beth talking about when she went to a Buddhist, I guess to feel support for her ? She talked about how the Buddhist told her he would stop talking, and he would push away his arms in the air as though he knew he was going to die pretty soon. This happened to her husband. I would say I would so the same, to look for a message to help my spirit lift, so that my weakness don’t overcome me. Looking for medical help, and taking a person to the hospital when they are near death can only be more painful to process because is not intimate , especially in the hospital because people die in the hospital everyday and they don't care about what connection you had with the person that is sick . Where if it was in your home and the person dies , it will be more memorable and safe to deal with.
Mom (Bienvenida) :
Bienvenida : I know that dieng is natural, and I will die later on in life. I'm not scared to die but I just want to live a long life, and not die soon like many other people I know. I believe that dieing comes from a person being sick or it just being natural. When my mother died, I was sad and cried but I can say that she lived for many years and she lived the life that she wanted. She was a happy women with all her kids that she rasied well. When someone dies I understand and at times its random , but theres nothing you can do to bring the person back. But you can hold on to good memories. When I was child, my mother would make the best sweet potato soup when one of us were sick but we all enjoyed it even if we weren't. She will also give us homemade tea which she made from leaves from our orange and mango tree we had in the backyard.
This is what my mother said about dieing and illness, when some one in the family got really sick my grandmother would take them to the hospital, but other then that they became well with homemade soup and tea.
Si Leticia la muerte es natural pero alguien puede vivir para mucho tempio.
From the Guest speaker Beth and my mother, I can say they believe on natural deaths and not much of medical. It should be more about the family being around then a whole bunch of strangers in the hospital that dont know you as a perosn. This I respect, I respect this way because its more about the people you know and the energy they give to you. I rather be treated well with my family, where I feel safe than to be in a hospital where there are sick people and in/outcomers everyday. This can be something where the family grow as a whole than, just a doctors and nurses comming to the person not knowing them. I understand that doctors treat patient everyday and be as nice as possible but this does not meet the patinets desire of being care for. I say this because if the doctor only vistes when he can, this only applies to his schuelde not the patinets, nurses are only told to help you if they are required too not if they want too. Which makes it hard for the patient and the doctor to have an intimate time. People hold on to things that makes them feel good, important and safe. This can happen between close friends and family... not so much on a doctor.
Isolation – hospitalization, old folks’ homes, Stigma
In our society, we categorizes people to what we think is not "normal", this makes the person that feels stigma, feel not connected and lost into a world where people just feel bad for them and this leaves them to a confusion. The people who are stigmata will make groups to feel just because they are different does not mean they are not people like them. " Thus in the stigmatized arises the sense of not knowing what others present are " really" thinking about him. Further ,during mixed contacts , the stigmatized individual is likely to feel that he is "on," having to be self-conscious and calculating about the impression he is making to a degree and in areas of conduct which he assumes other are not" pg 14 (Stigma and social identity) This make it difficult for them to go through their daily life and feel undermined, their stigma will carry on into their life. People should not have to deal with how makes a normal person, but then again we gain and lose from these vaules that our scoiety gives to us. This does not make it okay, but how else our world will be? we create things that can work for other people but the stigmatized individual can be also attempt to correct his/ her condtion by doing something that is normal to the society. This is can help the person with his or her scocial identity .
How can we fix this problem?.. This is a difficult thing to do , the one that seems "normal" can't seem to figure out if they are being too nice or showing not enough sympathy. This causes discomfort, what if the person does need help everyday throughout their life ,do we feel bad? or continue process of helping them. If we were to help the person that has the stigma they will feel "needy" and makes them not want the help they really need. The person that as the stigma is aware of whats going on, and the people that help are aware... So what does this awareness conclude? people feeling uncertainty and denial. We treat them as though they a "normal" but they still feel different. " we may feel that if we show direct sympathetic concern for his condition, we may be overstepping ourselves; and yet if we actually forget that he has a failing we are likely to make impossible demands of him or unthinkingly slight for his fellow-sufferers. Each potential source of discomfort for him when we are with him can become something we sense he is aware of, aware that we are aware of" pg18.(stigma and social identity). This awareness, can make an adjustment to the person wether this means treating him as someone better than we feel he/she might be or someone worse than we feel he/she probably is. Which makes it difficult to continue what is best for this person. Or how can we shape the soceity into making an individual feel not stigmatized in their life, which im not sure is possible for everybody is too different and the same...
This is where isolation occurs with themselves but our society does make it so that they won’t feel isolation, but help them build a community that best fits the person (self-help groups) where the people accepted their stigma. We help them build a community that best fits the person (self-help groups) the people who accepted their stigma. “ Then there are the huddle-together , self-help clubs formed by the divorced, the age , the obese, the physically handicapped, the ileostomied and colostomied . There are residential clubs, voluntary to varying degrees, formed for the ex-alcoholic and the ex-addict(.pg22). Stigma is something that everyone feels , but there a those with a particular stigma, those who are given the stigma make the self-helps groups and create the word “we” or “our people” . Those who find the stigma they feel tend to be self cautions and form a comfort zone where it’s not just a group of people that involves them but people they can build a similar relation with.
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