Monday, February 14, 2011

HW 34 - Some Initial Thoughts On Birth

I guess this unit will be about women experience giving birth and the history of birth. I knew a lot of pregnant people some adults and some teenagers. I been to baby showers and each one was different. I been to ghetto baby showers (Sorry to say) Fancy baby showers and normal baby showers.  These are the steps of a baby coming into life. The good things about baby showers is that you get things you don’t want to buy yourself and the people coming together for a new member in the family.  The things I know about pregnant women ... 1. Women get moody 2. If you say no, you will get a sty in your eye and 3. Crave things. All these things I do believe and experienced it.  I said no to a pregnant friend and the next day I got a sty in my eye and my mother asked who I said no too. My sister -In-law all she wanted were tomatoes, hot sauce and Buffalo wings.  It’s like women change for 9 months and deal with something that’s supposed to make you feel wonderful but this does not happen to everybody.   I hope to have a happy birth and experience a good pregnancy.  What I will crave? (I hope is not something too crazy)  Will I be able to have a child?  What about the women who can’t have kids? Is adopting a choice or a women feeling like she is not a woman? This also makes me think about will the father be part of my child’s birth/life?...they show in movies or  TV shows when a women  gets pregnant the boyfriend/husband freaks out and leave or they question is that their baby ( like what is that! ) We are dealing with a person coming out our body! Not the guy! This is why I think it’s important for it to be two people making decisions not one person. It shouldn't be about the guy asking the women when you are going to have my baby or the same for the women asking the guy. But two people getting ready to bring a child into the world.  I noticed some babies come out with their parents emotions (I’m not sure what I mean by that) but I knew this girl who cried during her whole pregnancy and her son does not shut up all he does is cries even though he is a baby but every time i see him is either she is crying or the baby. It’s like mothers/ parents are magnets to the babies, what they see and experience is how the baby will be. This also makes me think about parents who deal with a child who come out what they don’t except is that fair to the baby? A baby should be loved no matter blue, green, big or small.  This birth unit will be something that I did think I will learn again in high school so I’m looking forward to this unit since Andy said: Food unit people ate… Illness/dying people got sick…This birth unit I don’t know. We shall see.

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