Mays, Ina. Ina Mays Guide to Child birth. A Division of Random House, Inc New York, New York.
Publshed: By Bantam Dell 2003
The Powerful Mind/Body Connection ( Ina Mays)
From early in life, Most of us are bombarded with messages that teach you to think that your thoughts and feelings don't matter when it comes to the functioning of your body. In the same way, Western medicen assumes a total separation between mind and body. Thoughts and feelings are considered irrelevant to physical welfare. When something goes wrong with the body, our culture teaches that pharmaceutical medicines or surgery will be necessary.Pg.134
" For years women were told they can't give births" (business of being born)
" If the women is not moving the way the doctors want them to be at they put them on "pit" to rush the labor, Which is lacking the oxygen on the baby, which makes the baby a little high.( business of being born)
The hormones that Regulate Labor and Birth:
" I mentioned earlier that natural prostaglandins act on the cervix to soften and thin it in readiness for labor. Oxytocin causes the uterus to contract. Later on, when the bulk of the baby passes through the vagina, a sudden rise in oxytocin levels in mother and baby stimulates the chain of instinctual dance between them that is most often called falling in love" (pg147-148)
"Ebiderl slows down labor" (business of being born)
" They give mothers so much drugs it becomes an experiement" (business of being born)
2. The major insight the book tries to communicate in the second 100 pages (1-3 sentences) and your response to that insight (2-4 sentences).
" I have seen many laboring women go from hell to heaven within seconds as they moved from stark terror to realization of how to work with the energy of birth."(pg 152) Our Births is natural, the more you freak out , the pelvic won't be relaxed and it will be harder for the baby to come out. We just need to relax and let out body do what it has to do".
From this birth unit I am still thinking about, what makes a women have a natural births? What are the steps I can say I want a natural birth... But what do I have to do? Do you have to be rich?, poor?, or Middle class? Ina May did not state this in her book. But what is the outcome? Yes you help me delivered this baby natural with a grate support team, but when does the money come in? Will the hospital help with full coverage and have a natural birth? What if I want a baby, but cannot be able to afford it? Do you guys help in that situation? Turn women down? I think Ina may will not turn a woman down, but how does the woman know everything is okay? I support this method, I support the natural births, the ability for women to go beyond what the (Society here) think they can't do, but that’s totally wrong. This book shows the women hood of our ability and that there’s no need to stop our natural process of birth. What I also want to know, Is what made Ina May talk about these methods? What made her feel that women need to know about this? I did reasearch it does not explain her background of where she came from etc...?
3. List 5 interesting aspects of pregnancy and birth discussed in the second hundred pages that you agree deserve wider attention (include page number).
Orgasmic birth(pg.157)
Scary Births Get high Ratings (pg.164)
Sphincter Law(pg.168)
Techono-medical model(pg.185)
Many studies agree that fewer than ten percent of women require labor induction for medical reasons (pg.207).
4. Independently research one crucial factual claim by the author in the second hundred pages and assess the validity of the author's use of that evidence.
- These sphincters cannot be opened at will and do not respond well to commands such as push or relax!
- When a person's sphincter is in the process of opening, it may suddenly close down if that person becomes upset, frightened, humiliated, or self conscious. Why? High levels of adrenaline in the bloodstream do not favor (sometimes, they actually prevent) the opening of sphincters.
- The state of relaxation of the mouth and jaw is directly correlated to the ability of the cervix, the vagina, and the anus to open to full capacity.