Wednesday, April 27, 2011

HW 48 - Family Perspectives on the Care of the Dead

Brown beautiful old lady Stella (80):
Leticia: Hi Stella, How are you.
Stella: I'm Fine darlling , What bring you here today?
Leticia:  Stella, Can I ask you couple questions?
Stella:  Yes, What is it about?
Leticia: The care of the dead....
Stella:  Hmm interesting...ask all you want I got all day.
Leticia: What do you know about death?
Stella: I know that people die in many ways.... Some good and some bad.
Leticia:  What do you think is the proper way, someone should die?
Stella: Ollddd like me... But to be filled with happiness.
Stella: You don't want to be lonely when you die... you want people to know that they care for you and you care for them.
Stella: I know I’m going to die, I’m not scared though. I have done what I had to do in my life. I traveled, got kids and got married. I' m alright. I just thank god, that I’m just aging...
Stella: But I do miss my wonderful husband...
Leticia: How did his death effect you?.
Stella: I was not ready for him to go.. But nothing that I could do, but be by his side and love even more each day.
Stella: He died of an heart attack...
Stella: but my kid were older when he died, They understood the condition he was in... It was hard for all of us.
Leticia: How was his funeral?
Stella: Beautiful... He is buried by the beach under a tree.. by his home country.
Stella: This was the hardest part in my life...
Stella: I made sure, everything went well and peaceful. No music just sound of the ocean.

Tia Rosa (60):
Leticia: Son Tia,
Tia: Dios te bendiga.
Leticia: Tia, Can ask you couple questions?
Tia: Si
Leticia: What do you think about death?
Tia: Its natural.. But some people die of being sick, which is why when someone die of being sick can be sadder, than just someone dyeing of old age...
Leticia: What do you think should be done about death?
Tia: I think people should show respect and their kindness to the family and that died... Things feel better when people show that they care.

From Interviewing Stella, I can tell that she was not a sad woman, she didn't cry when she spoke about her husband, or seemed scared about death. What seemed to bother her was that her husband died of a heart attack instead of watching him getting older with her.  I liked the way she describe his funeral, it seemed like it was peaceful and filling. Stella was with her husband for about 35 yrs, she never thought that her husband could die like that, that’s what she felt was disappointing.  What I got form my Tia was that it was more about the family being together after someone died, to respect that they died and life continues living.  She mentioned that a person should die of old age instead of being sick; this was what Stella was talking about too. I think it’s because it more scary to die of an sickness than dying naturally. Knowing someone that is sick involves more personal feelings because you see a person suffering and there not much you can do. MY aunt and Stella, rather a person die of old age than any other thing, and that the family should be together.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

HW 47 - Peer Perspectives on the Care of the Dead

 A Barista at Starbucks
I spoke to her when I was on my 10 min break:
Leticia :Hella busy out there right?
Juiliana : Yeahhh like always. ughh
Leticia: Can ask you couple questions?
Juiliana: Sure, Whats its about?
Leticia: Death!..well the care of the dead.
Juiliana: So0o.
Leticia: What do you think about When people die?
Juiliana: Like are they really dead?... Are they going to heaven?
Juiliana:  I believe people continue living, kind of like Karma, what goes around, comes right back.
Juiliana:  I don't know, because my parents are not that old. My mother is like my friend.
Leticia: Have gone to funerals before?
Juiliana: Yeahh it was sad, but I did not lose my friend, she is still on my mind all the time, is just I can't see her.
Leticia: If you don’t mind me asking....Where do you think you will go when you die???.
Juiliana:.. I hope Heaven.... I'm not sure if I'm able to make that choice.

 Tyron Another Barista
While, I was on my Half.
Leticia: Tyron. Let me ask you a couple questions.
Tyron: Whattt Do you want to ask?.. I hope is a appropriate  questions.. Cause I am not your mother.
Leticia: relaxxx.
Tyron: Ask away.
Leticia: So what do you think about death?
Tyron: Childdd. How old are you again?... Girl I have seen death.. In Harlem things happen.
Tyron: Things happen, for a reason. This is why people need to be smart on what they do in life.
Tyron:. I been to funerals.. Cried, laughed.. And questioned.
Tyron: They all say, Rest in peace and they are at a better place...

Kristen one of my close friends:
Leticia: Hola Kristennn.
Leticia: What do you think about death?
Kristen: I think it’s scary
kristen:  I Think it’s sad for people to die
Kristen: I think people should live for many years...But through the movement of the future? Like people from dinosaur’s days, they don’t live with us now. But What if they were still living among us?
Leticia: So like life never ends?
Kristen: The earth changed in many always... It never ended.. .But people have..
Leticia: Do you believe in heaven and hell?
Kristen:  Noo… People bodies do deteriorate. But since there is no heaven or hell, the person goes into the next living thing.
Leticia: So do you think people should celebrate a person death?
Kristen: I don’t think celebrate is the word... But a presentation of the person.
Leticia: So what do you think, you would do.. If a person close to you die
Kristen : Hope their next life is beautiful.

After interviewing these people, The conclusion seem to be that, things happen for a reason,  and life works out in mysterious ways.
The care of the dead?.. Sounds like it’s part of the history channel (it is)... I don’t know where it came from or When people start having funerals….And who said it people need to wear all black?.  
My mother is not a religious person, but she believes there is a heaven and hell.   My mother never force or tried to make me be religious. But This year, I put into thought.. Not that I don’t believe, but being part of a religion is safe, because there is a backup.. A person or something looking out for you.. This is why I respect people for continuing their belief. I think and I Hope that there is a person or something looking out for me, even though I’m not part of dominate religious practice. I thought it was interesting how Kristen mentioned that humans Die, but the earth does not die. Which, I think it’s true the person is not in the same body you knew them in, but they are still living their life.  It’s kind of like…You think you saw them in the street…Or a person reminds you of them. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

HW 46 - Initial Thoughts on the Care of the Dead

The care of the dead?.

The reason why I put a question mark in the end of that sentence is because this is not something that I think about.  As a little girl, I did not know people who died, just knew about animals dyeing. But what i do know is that people respect them and believe their souls continue living. What I don’t understand about it, is that people need to feel sad? Most of the people I know, told me about someone in their family or a friend dying and it’s a sad story, this is probably why i don’t like going to funerals or listening about someone death. But why does it has to be sad that the person died?.. .Well I do think it depends on the situation because If someone were to die because of an illness, accident or old age.  Those incidents come with different emotions, especially   when it’s unexpected. Unexpected things are the worse, but also when you expected can be just as worse. Different religious handle the care of dead in many different ways, I know that in Mexico there is a day where they celebrate dead which is called the day of the dead and in Santeria it involves spiritualty.

This makes me think about the people close to me, How would I feel if they were to die???.. Or what they would think when I pass away? I wouldn’t want people to feel sad, but not happy because I pass away. But that life continues (does that sound harsh?).. I know people that died, I can’t say that I was really close to them, but I knew them well enough…are they watching over me? (I don’t know). If knew they were watching over me, I’ll probably be more aware of what I do in my daily life.  But I guess, us humans need to figure out what our own mistakes are, and what can we do to better ourselves. If someone we knew died, told us what we are doing wrong. Will we still learn from our mistakes??. I am not dead. But when I do pass maybe I can answer these questions myself.

Friday, April 15, 2011

HW 45 - Reply to Other Peoples' Comments

Thank you guys for commenting my project, what you guys found interesting about my project, was that I put my personal thoughts and emotions into my story. Allwyen mentioned: "I also enjoyed how you made the project personal to you, and you didn’t leave out any feeling, this made the project feel more real, and shows more of your own personality coming out". This explains that my project made him feel connected, because it could affect how he view doctors or maybe not. He also wanted to know, what I wanted to be different about my doctors visit. Sarah C mentioned:  "Your project gave an extremely emotional personal narrative. You showed a parallel between your experience with the United States medical care and the standard prenatal stores".  When Sarah told me this, I felt that that what I was trying to get with my blog, and I’m glad, she got that while reading my blog. They both questioned how they wanted to know pregnant   people in the prenatal care.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

HW 44 - Comments on Other People's Projects

Hi sam,
This is leticia

I enjoy reading your blog about the importance of having a baby and its part of our human nature. I really like the part when you mentioned "I believe that family have the most conscientious approach to raising a child, as they see it as a responsibility and not a toy. Friends look out for your best interests in terms of life style changes and possible career implications". Especially the line when you mentioned believe that family have the most conscientious approach to raising a child, as they see it as a responsibility and not a toy. Because I see my brother raising his child, he make sure his child is good and has the things he needs, I could he will be raised well, since the fact my brother is in his 30's and so is his wife.. But I have question for you. What do you think about young adults such as 14-20, They spend most of the time partying and not focusing on their child life? Are they responsible? Do their friends and family members support them? What do you think about that?

Also from your blog I like that you based it on religious views too. I think that’s also a part of people families and how they will like to raise their baby.... Is your religion view going to influence on how you would like to raise your baby?.. Do you think religion is important in peoples life .

Hi Rossi,
I don’t know you and I don’t think you are in my grade?..I’m in 12th you?.
Well I was snooping around and I saw your name and I said Why not!. MY name is leticia.
I really liked your blog because I never heard a prospective from a nurse. I liked the questions you asked because; it gets into details with what the nurse thinks. For person #1 ... I like the line when she mentioned "used “judiciously” and to a doctor or patients liking. She claimed that patients may have a cesarean on a certain day just so that they would not be in the hospital on another" I think that explains, the point of doctors ability to do what they please and get the mothers out as soon as possible.

For person # 2 I liked how she backed up the hospital, it explains she is either against it or with it but she is scared, she could lose her job "When asked about C-section rates, she said that Roosevelt hospital has the lowest C-section rates in the city. “Do you think if you interview outside the hospital it would have been different.

For person #3 I liked how she was honest and straight forward. I liked she compared Jamaica and US she was not saying one is better than other. I also liked when she mentioned “it’s not that the doctors are not properly trained, they just are not fully educated.” In saying this she agreed that they handle situations as if they are in emergency and said that the trainings for doctors should be different. During her training she was trained like a midwife and working in the field that she does, surrounded by doctors and many unnatural births she said that they are just accustomed to the emergency situations" Which made ask do doctors want to know how to do natural birth? or are they force to not be educated about it.?.

Overall I think you did a good job, Its nice to hear from people who work in the hospital,. This made me feel that doctors of a sense of people views.

Hi megumi,
This is leticia

I liked how you focused on c- sections in the United States, and it became high practice in the birthing process.

While reading your blog I liked how you explained the statistics on C-section rates in the United States. And how you explained the statistics but you added your ideas, which made the blog more interesting.
This matters to me because, From reading your blog and doing some research on my mine. This makes me think about was it because they mother needed or was it because the doctors just wanted to do?

Hey  Matthew its me Leticia
I liked how you start your blog in poem format “One America…”but gets into guide information too. I think your point of view on single mothers are very important because I am raised by one parent and I do think how much a difference it would be if, I had both parents.  I think it’s important for both partners to be involved in the child’s life even If they are not together. But what about the views of single dads?... I think that would have been a cool thing to add.... Overall I liked your blog.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

HW 42 - Pregnancy & birth culminating project

 Experiance in the Hospital:

The reason why I’m talking about this is because I feel like it explains dominate Social practices.
So I went to the doctor Thursday, and I don’t like going to the doctor because of the long waits ( 4hrs) just to see a doctor for about 20 mins.  So I finally got to see my "doctor" in April, when I made an appointment in October. So  I go to the hospital ( Bellevue hospital) I have to go  to 2 B. That’s what my mother told me.  This will be the first time me going to the adult clinic, because I’m 18 yrs. So I’m thinking maybe this will go faster (I guess wrong).  I go to 2B wait on line for about 5 mins (okay not that bad.) I go to the lady at the desk, she told me I need to go to 2 A (roll my eyes and go).  I walk to 2A another 10 mins on line, (appointment was at 12) its 12:20.  I go to 2 A, the lady with a big bun in her hair, told me I have to go to 2C (I got angry).  I'm finally here 2C. She asked if I had my Metro plus card, I said No I left it home. Usually when I go, if i do not have my metro plus card, they just find in the system. Now this lady, she got long fake nails did not want to find in the system, so she told me I have to go to the 3rd floor. At this point I was really mad.
The whole time I had to be at 2A.
 Alright, now I ‘m waiting for the doctor (1:30). The nurse called me; she asked if this is my first time being there I said ‘yes’, Took height and weight. So here comes the doctor Dr. Tanner, Some tall white dude, looks about 48.  Me: Hi. He replays back “Do you speak English"? (I’m thinking in my head, I said Hi, in an English accident, loud enough for him to here).  Me: Yes I do, Dr. Tanner: "I will be your doctor today. I’m like alright cool, a male doctor for the first time...let’s see how today goes. While Doctor Tanner is talking to me, there this Asian dude with him name Kevin. Dr. Tanner than said, Kevin will take me to the room. After that I did not see Dr. Tanner, he left somewhere else (wtf). Alright, I thought maybe doctor Tanner had something to do real quick (I guess wrong).  Kevin (not my doctor) said he will be asking me questions, to have an idea about my health. Me: where’s doctor Tanner, I thought he is my doctor?.. Kevin:  Dr. Tanner is in the other room doing paper work. By this time I’m confused.... I asked again, Where’s Doctor Tanner... Kevin: I will be actually taking care of you today.  (What! this dam Asian dude is not touching me, he just a dam intern, I thought Dr. Tanner is my doctor. I was mad). The first time I was being in this clinic and my "doctor" not even taking care of me.   After, he was done asking me a lot of question. Kevin: I will let Doctor Tanner, What I did. By this point I just wanted to leave. Kevin: I will be checking you today.  Me:  Where’s Doctor Tanner? Kevin: he is dealing with someone else.  Kevin leaves the room. Comes back, with some lady, I don’t even know. Kevin: she will help me guide to check you. Me:  but I though Dr. Tanner will be doing this. Lady:  No, sorry...Is everything okay? Me: Well, you guys told me that Dr. Tanner will be my doctor; he is not present at all. Lady: I am a doctor too, I will help you. By this time I’m quiet and annoyed, so I go with the routine, but I’m not very nice. I did not let her do, what she wanted, and I told her I felt uncomfortable with Kevin being in the room.  When she was done, I told her prefer a female doctor, the lady said: Sure, we can do that, sorry that you were not able to see Dr. Tanner today.  It was nice meeting you. When she said," it was nice meeting you", shows there is no connection between doctor and patient.  I will never see her again, When Dr. Tanner told me he will be my doctor, and he was not ever present in the room.  Asian dude, I will never see again, asking me personal question. Ugh. I waited 6months, to not see my doctor.  By this time it’s already 3:00, he sends me to get blood work done. I go back at 2C, another 20 mins, saw nurse; she is some angry Jamaican lady lecturing me, talking about her son. Leave there at 4:15... What a long Fin day at the dam hospital

 My doctor visit: I waited 6mths to not see my doctor, I was supposed to my see “doctor at 12" saw him at 2:30... Do not see him at all!!!!!!. left hospital at 4:15. O yeah to make another appointment. I have to wait 6mths.
 I connect this with the birth unit, because with my experience at the hospital and the doctor, just saying hi and walking away does not create a bond. This is why, when I read Ina May, and the women talking about their experience giving birth in the hospital. The women spoke about how they didn’t feel connected with their doctor Autumn Apple Windseeds's birth- November 11,1970 by Kim Trainor: The birth of my first child in manhattan was standard-procedure hospital birth. I was frist put in room by myself,left to my own fears, and had my amniotic sac ruptured by an attendant. Then I was stuffed  in a ward of screaming and yelling women in labor"(pg19) The fact that this women was left alone, and it was her frist time giving birth she had no doctor or nurse support. It should not matter, if I was switched to the adult side.  I don’t know if it was because he was a male doctor, or that’s how the system works in the adult side. But I just saw him and he left.. there was no piont him saying he was my doctor, if he was not even going to be in the same room with me. My other doctor (female), I can say I had for  16yrs, she knows me well.  She spoke Spanish too; I and my mother enjoyed her.  From reading the book, the mothers explain, their experience at the farm and with the midwives, each once explained they had a good relationship with the midwives. This also made think about what my sister in-law told me; in the Dominican Republic she would have had the same doctor through the whole thing. When she came here, she had different doctors even when she had to give birth.  My personal experience visiting the doctors, I feel like it’s part of dominate social practices because everything is rushed, it can’t get personal.  This also happens in public hospitals, they can’t provide the personal experience, with the patient I have to wait another 6mths to another doctor. What made, me angry is that It was not my doctor who saw or spoke to me. When Was I supposed to see him? When I make another appointment? What if this kept happing? In the end, the visit to the doctor I was not happy. It would have been nice if Dr. Tanner actually took care of his patient.

Friday, April 1, 2011

HW 40 - Insights from Book - Part 3

I seem to have found myself at a cocktail party, when in walks Ina May, the author of the book, Ina May Guide to child birth which coincidentally, I have just finished reading.
Hi my name is Leticia and I wanted to say thanks for writing:
 Ina May Guide to child birth.
Ina May:
Do I know you?
Leticia :                                                                                                                                            
  No, but I am a student at School of the future learning about birth and my teacher Andy assigned me this book.
Ina May:
Well isn’t that nice, what did you like most about my book than?

Leticia :
 What I liked about your book is that you show statistics data, you go beyond of your information. As well the pictures and the background information about birth, it was not just your opinion, but showed information base on your experience and others peoples.  
Ina May surprised to be talking to someone who actually rephrased the main idea of the text instead of sharing their own birth story, replies curiously.
Ina may:
Really? Which parts were most effective or important to you?
Well, in the middle if the book, you were talking about the natural high that we humans produce, oxytocin, Which furthers your thesis. You explain your point of the book, that women should be natural through their baby birth and pregnancy.  On pages 147-166, where you mention that women need to feel the things that their body can do.

At this point, Ina May has realized that she's having a unique conversation with a serious reader of her book.
Ina May:
I see that you did enjoy the book; do you have any suggestions of how I could have applied more information about birth? Or anything else?

Yes, I think that you could have added the midwives experience with given births instead of the patient. I think that would have help to see both sides of the story, the happy moment of the women giving birth , but what is the whole process of the midwife being there, how she felt her experience with others births. As well your background, what made you want to be a midwife? Yes you do show information about hospitals birth and how their system births, but have you ever felt that you or any midwife could not let the women give birth vaginally or intend her.
Ina may:
I can see why you ask these questions and have these suggestions, I guess the reason why is because I want women to feel comfortable with their body, even if their first time having a baby. I want women to understand what their bodies can do. To be aware of other options not just the hospital but this could be something that can help them emotionally and to be informed. I want women to not feel lost, and to be involved and know the procurers that are done. I am not saying that are hospitals are bad but to be aware of what doctors do and what midwifes can do too.   Maybe adding formation about the midwives experience would have been a good idea and adding mine too. Thanks I will keep those to in mind.  It was nice talking to you Leticia.
Thanks for answering my questions and responding to my thoughts about your book. Have a wonderful day.